Frequently Asked Questions

The Village Witch vs Northwoods Witch?

Hi! I’m Carolyn. I practice under the name Northwoods Witch. When I decided to open up my magical work/shop, I did it to show up in a particular way for my community: as the Village Witch. So my physical work/shop in DeWitt-Seitz and most of that which is associated with it are bundled under the name “The Village Witch”; I still practice as and hold my personal title of “Northwoods Witch”.

How do I find you?

I offer sessions both in-person and virtually. If you’re looking for me at The Village Witch workspace in the DeWitt-Seitz building in Canal Park, Duluth, MN, please make an appointment to make sure that we connect! Book anything from a Tarot Reading to a no-obligation Browsing Session. Check the website footer for holiday closures and most current hours.

My Fall Hours are Wednesday-Friday by appointment. To find me, come up the elevator or main staircase to the second floor, go through the stone archway, and follow the signs through the passageway off to your right. Follow the signs! Keep on going! Watch the short video below for extra guidance, and contact me directly if you find yourself lost (or the hallway door is closed):

What services do you you offer?

I offer spiritual support for my community! Specifically Tarot Readings, Spiritual Direction, Wedding Officiation, and co-creation/facilitation of Life Rituals big and small.

What are your prices?

Check out my Services Menu here!

Why are your prices listed in a range?

That’s called a sliding scale, and it means that that service is available at an adjusted rate based on your financial situation.

I do this because I want to simultaneously honor the work that I’m doing by inviting you to compensate me fairly, and also to make spiritual care available to all, regardless of how much money you have.

So if you are able to, please pay me full price for my work! If you are not, please come see me anyway and pay me what fits in your life!

Why am I paying for this?

Because I’m both good at what I do and a trained spiritual professional! You’re compensating me for my time, skills, and energy using the mutually agreed-upon transactional method of paying me money.

This question usually comes out of a Christian framework idea that you don’t pay spiritual professionals (ie ministers and priests and such). This is actually not true! My colleagues working in churches are actually paid by those churches to do their jobs, from pastoral care to preaching.

And ultimately, it’s important for you to have stake in the work we do, from a thealogical perspective:

  • we more deeply value that which we contribute toward personally

  • compensation is not just monetary but energetic; by paying me you actively participate in the work too, rather than passively receive it

  • it magically balances the scales; there is no debt or indebtedness because you’ve essentially traded your skills and energy in the world for mine!